3 Mile Harbor Press was founded by Antje Katcher in 1994 and for nearly twenty years has published work by poets such as Enid Dame, Michael Howley, Jean Kemper, Pamela Kallimanis and Toni Mergentime Levi. The last two titles issued under Antje’s aegis were her own poetry chapbook ForBananafish and Paul Genega’s prose piece, A Stone for Nina, both in 2013.
Before Antje died in April of 2014 she discussed her literary legacy with Genega, requesting that he edit and publish a posthumous collection of her poetry and determine the fate of 3 Mile Harbor. Because the press was so strongly identified with its founding editor, Genega’s first impulse was to let it fade away, but after working on Antje’s book, he decided that a more fitting tribute was to give the press a second life.
As editor of 3 Mile Harbor Press, Paul is committed to publishing the best diverse work by new and established poets and is particularly interested in finding BIPOC, LGBTQ+, feminist and environmentally aware voices. He is the author of six collections of poetry, most recently Outtakes: New & Selected Poems,1975-2023 (Salmon Poetry, Ireland, 2023). Over a forty year career, his work has appeared in journals such as Poetry, North American Review, New York Quarterly and Free Inquiry, and has garnered numerous awards, including the “Discovery”/The Nation Award and an individual fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. He founded and directed the creative writing program at Bloomfield College, New Jersey, where his legacy continues through the Genega Endowed Scholarships. In search of fresh voices and poetic visions, the 3 Mile Harbor Press sponsors its annual Poetry Book Award. The winner receives a monetary prize and publication. For more information please visit us at: https://3mileharborpress.submittable.com/submit