This Sunday, 4/09, at 3pm Eastern on Facebook LivePlease join Dayna Patterson (O Woman, Speak Again), Jo Gatford (The Woman’s Part) and Elizabeth Sylvia (None But Witches) as we share poems from our new collections focused on female characters in Shakespeare.
For your viewing and listening pleasure, Nathaniel Bek’s reading from his wonderful collection of poems: Atrophy of the Boy Who Became a Wishing Well.
POETS TALK POETRY: Listen to Jordan Smith read his work at this event.
Please join our newest author, Paul LaTorre, for the virtual book launch of his chapbook, Disappearing Boy.
The log on information & link are as follows:
Meeting ID: 972 7183 1871
Password: Disappear
The 3 Mile Harbor 25th Gala and Book Launch

We are pleased to announce that Marisol Baca’s East Coast book launch
for Tremor will take place at The Poets House, 10 River Terrace, New York, NY, 10282, on May 11th from 6-8 PM in Elizabeth Kray Hall. At the end of the reading, Marisol will do a book signing. Please come to hear this wonderful poet read!
This reading is free and open to the public.